
Pelvic MRI

What is a Pelvic MRI?

An MRI scan uses magnets and radio waves to capture images inside your body. The scan allows our radiologists to see the soft tissues of the body, such as muscles and organs, without your bones obstructing the view.

A pelvic MRI scan specifically helps us to see the bones, organs, blood vessels, and other tissues in your pelvic region, the area between your hips that holds your reproductive organs and numerous critical muscles.

An MRI does not use radiation, so it’s considered a safer alternative, especially for pregnant women or young children.

Why Do I Need a Pelvic MRI Scan

Since your pelvic area holds your reproductive organs, your doctor may order the test for different reasons depending on your sex.

A pelvic MRI scan is a useful test for both sexes if you have:

  • Birth defects
  • Injury or trauma in the pelvic area
  • Abnormal X-ray results
  • Pain in the lower abdominal or pelvic region
  • Unexplained difficulties urinating or defacating
  • Cancer (or suspected cancer) in your reproductive organs, bladder, rectum, or urinary tract

For women, your doctor may order a pelvic MRI to further investigate:

  • Infertility
  • Irregular vaginal bleeding
  • Lumps or or masses in your pelvic area
  • Unexplained pain in your lower belly or pelvic area

Your doctor will explain why they ordered the test, and what they will be looking for, before you have your procedure. 

What is MRI?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses a magnetic field and radio waves to generate cross-sectional images without the use of X-Rays.  MRI produces detailed and clear images of the body, especially the brain, spine, joints, bones, organs & soft tissues.  MRA is a specialized type of MRI which produces images of the vessels in your body.   Because MRIs do not use radiation, MRI is becoming the preferred diagnostic tool when examining the male and female reproductive systems, including the pelvis, hips, and bladder.

Our MRI scanner & technologists

At Guilford Radiology, our MRI machine is a Siemens 1.5T Magnetom Symphony.  It is one of the best scanners available—combining high field strength with a very open & comfortable feeling.  We will guide you through this exam with the utmost attention to your needs. Our knowledgeable, professional team will put you at ease and answer all of your questions before the exam.  We do everything possible to make your experience with us comfortable & relaxing, and provide music headsets, pillows and blankets.

What to Expect

At Guilford Radiology we care for each individual patient’s needs, and we schedule accordingly.  We allow ample time for history taking, changing, and attention to our patients.  Our technologists are experienced, certified, and most important kind & patient.  They will guide you through the entire process with as much comfort as is possible.  You should plan to be at our office for 60-90 minutes.

Prior to scanning, toy can complete this brief medical history and bring this with you or our MRI technologist will complete and reivew this with you.  If you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, an aneurysm clip in the brain, or a permanent ear implant you may not be a candidate for an MRI.

You will have a comfortable private changing room, with a secure locker for your valuables.  You will need to remove all jewelry, hairclips, bobby pins and hearing aids.  In addition, you will need to remove clothing containing metal including bras with metal enclosures and jeans with metal zippers and buttons.  You will be provided a gown if needed.

An MRI generally takes 30-60 minutes of scan time.  MRI is very motion sensitive.  You will be asked to hold very still during the entire exam.  Some MRIs require intravenous (IV) contrast, and if needed, your doctor may do a blood test to check your kidney function prior to your study.  Our technologists are experts at placing the IV’s, and the injection is painless.

Your Results

Your doctor(s) will receive a full detailed written report from our highly trained MRI radiologists within one day.  We will provide you with a CD copy of your exam, for your personal records or to bring to your referring physician on your follow-up visit.  Our goal is to provide you with the highest level of customer service and image quality in a caring and supportive environment.


If you have any questions or concerns about your procedure, feel free to call us at 203-453-5123 or contact us online.


Contact us

M-F 7:30AM to 5PM
Sat. 8AM to Noon
